
Meet the smart tool for smart developers.

There's a new standard for vehicle developers. Siren Tool makes your workflow lightning fast. No more typing 1's and 0's.

Siren Tool


Lightning Fast Patterns

The intuitive interface allows you to create and visualize patterns at the speed of light.

Generate carcols.meta

Don't worry about copying a carcols.meta file from an old vehicle, just create it with the carcols generator!

3D Viewer

View your pattern in 3D on a vehicle model while you make it!

Sequencer Exports

Already have a carcols.meta file? Simply export the sequencers and paste them in yourself!

Pattern saving

Save your patterns to work on them later.

32 Siren Support

Support for generating carcols.meta with 32 sirens.

Don't wait to elevate your patterns.

Get Siren Tool now!

Buy now $19.99
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